Monday, October 19, 2009

You Are Powerful.

This is an afterthought from the recent letter to the community that I wrote about the Gallaudet Presidential Search of 2009 – “Dynamic President to Represent Paradigm Shift”.

On October 18, the Board of Trustees will announce the new leader who will represent the Gallaudet community within the next decade. Whether she or he will represent us well is unknown; however, as we all know or will learn is that no one person can truly represent the masses. George Bush most certainly didn’t represent me.

We cannot control the Board of Trustees’ decision as much as we couldn’t control the decision in 2006, but we can control our reactions. The 2006 protest was evidence of that. We were powerful then, and we – you – are still powerful today.

I am not suggesting another protest; I am suggesting the exact opposite. Suppose the new President isn’t visionary? Suppose the new President does not understand that the education of the deaf in the South is Gallaudet’s responsibility?

That every deaf child sexually molested by her/his guardian because of the perception that s/he has no value is Gallaudet’s responsibility?
That the low employment rate of deaf people is Gallaudet’s responsibility?
That the re-framing of the ‘disability framework,’ which has dominated the Western ideology and suffocated a wide range of human bodies, is Gallaudet’s responsibility?

We are among the most oppressed groups of humans in the world. Why? One reason, and one reason only: To hear and speak is to be human; therefore, we are subhuman. What is this called? A framework. A frame of mind. An interpretation. A major, major, major oversight of our true human-ness.

Now…who can change this framework? You. You are Gallaudet. You are powerful.

Here’s how:
1. Demand that the Curriculum of Undergraduate Education committee establish a Bachelor of Fine Arts in filmmaking/television production. We need more talented filmmakers who can articulate our message to the world. Without this, we can never influence ideological shift.
2. Demand that the outreach department work with BisonTV in reaching out to the city of District of Columbia with the purpose of setting up a local television channel so students can broadcast their productions locally outside of campus. Howard University has its own local channel broadcast to every dorm room. Why can’t Gallaudet have the same? Without the means to distribute students’ work, there is no point in making movies and shows. Wider distribution begets higher quality work and creates healthy competition among filmmakers.
3. Demand that Gallaudet establish a separate unit that focuses on professional quality film productions (much like HBO’s “The L Word”) focusing on narrating diverse lives and stories within the ‘deaf spectrum,’ addressing a multitude of issues as well as entertaining and educating the world. This will have the greatest impact on creating ideological shift and thus create increased employment opportunities for Gallaudet graduates. Do not put this within the current television department under the Dr. Cindy King or Earl Parks domain. They once told me this, “We do not create. We provide services only.” They have no interest in or any understanding of the importance of creating quality film productions. (Actually, the entire television staff – except for a few – need to go. They have been around for 30 years and have contributed nothing to students’ professional and academic growth.)
4. Demand that the Deaf Education program (undergraduate and graduate) incorporate activism-related courses into their curriculum. You must be an activist if you’re going to be a teacher. Once you enter the system and you don’t know how to make changes occur, then you become a part of the problem. This is why the cycle of low standards continues – because teachers from Gallaudet do not know how to affect changes. Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Make it your bible.
5. Demand that Gallaudet (or even the Student Body Government) host a biennial Think Tank for the purpose of developing frameworks to be distributed to the world through various mediums. Read George Lakoff’s “Don’t Think of an Elephant.”
6. Many more can be done. Look around and determine your course of action.

You have power. All you have to do is simply to understand that the most powerful person in the world is a person who recognizes that s/he has power. Yes. If you haven’t already, watch or read “The Secret.” It’s an amazing film and I can most certainly affirm its claims.

Inspired? Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “You are powerful,” then get to work. Be Gallaudet! Little deaf kids around the world are counting on you.

And, of course, one more thing…Dear New President, you also are powerful, not because of the position you now hold, but because of the choices before you. You can either take the safe route and strengthen the ship for the voyage on the calm sea of status quo or brave the uncharted territory toward new discoveries and wealth of untapped knowledge.

You are powerful.